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It’s cold, it’s dark and it’s that time of year when your sleepover tally heads into overdrive.
With this in mind, creating a child’s bedroom that is cosy, welcoming and can accommodate a mini guest or two at the drop of a hat will help you sail through the winter with ease.
As a child, there is nothing quite like being invited to stay over at a friend’s home. Eager to discover new experiences and escape the beady eyes of parents for a night, exciting is an understatement! If you happen to be the hostess, it’s important to make your little guests feel safe and comfortable in a bedroom th..

Archie Fairweather Children's Double Bed
The idea of children having a double bed all to themselves certainly isn't a new one. However, it hasn’t been such a popular concept until late.
More and more parents are now choosing to go down this route for many reasons, including:
Maximise bed space in the home - a child’s double bed can always be used by visiting guests if needs be, leaving your little one to camp out on that blow up mattress instead!
Save money - once your child has a gorgeous double bed, you may never need to splash out again!
Story tim..

In no time at all we should be ushering in the spring but instead we’re still swaddled in scarves, hats and the obligatory big coats.
The weather hasn’t been all bad news however. It resulted in my best night’s sleep for a decade in fact when Storm Doris came knocking overnight. My terrified daughter ushered me in for some company as the wind whisked through the trees making noises I’ve only ever heard on a low budget horror flick.
I realised her child’s double bed - complete with luxury mattress of course - was made for such moments as I nestled in and told happy stories to h..

The school holidays are almost over for many of us...Is that a collective sigh of relief I can hear? Yes, it certainly has been a tough few weeks, juggling work and childcare whilst trying to entertain a rabble of over-excited children. Surely there should be a reality show for this kind of stuff?
Anyway, just a few days more to suffer the trail of grass through the length of the house and those endless ‘surprises’ left in the craziest places. Banana skin in the washing machine anyone? Of course, these things will still go on I’m sure, just less often once our children are safely back..
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