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5 Tips for Crafting a Calm Bedtime Routine

Hearing nothing but the soft breathing of your child in the evening is perhaps one of the most rewarding times of the day when you are a parent.
After all, the rigmarole that surrounds a bedroom routine can be an extremely stress-inducing task.
First of all, it is important to remember that almost all children go through a phase of playing up at bed time – you aren’t alone!
Whether too full of energy, scared of being alone or simply looking for your attention, children can often misbehave in the build up to their bedtime. 
However, with a little patience and practice, you can transform the bonkers bedtime routine into a calm task that will have your little one bouncing into their big boy or big girl bed for the night.
1. No Negativity
One of the first and most important rules of implementing as successful bedtime routine for your child is to limit as best you can any negative associations with going to bed.
For a child, knowing that ‘bedtime’ is approaching them can be a horrible prospect – especially if they are busy enjoying themselves. Make sure your body language and tone of voice is positive when you mention to them that they need to begin the daily routine and give them plenty of warning at intervals.
Remain upbeat and they will eventually remove all negative association with bedtime. 
Actually getting your child to become accustomed to the bedtime routine can be the hardest step of the process, so approach it with a smile on your face (and some gumption) and your child will likely do the same. 
2. Plan, Plan, Plan
Without your child knowing, you should have already crafted a plan of action for the bedtime routine - before it has even started.
Know exactly what steps you and your child need to take to ensure bedtime goes smoothly.
If you head into bedtime without a fixed plan to follow, you may find hours have passed before you have your child in their bed. 
While it is essential that you remain as positive as possible, it is still vital that you give clear, concise direction so that your child understands what is expected of them and is able to complete the steps of the bedtime routine with minimal fuss or ambiguity. 
3. Wind Down for the Win
How often do you collapse into bed after a long hard day and find it difficult to shut your brain off? With thoughts whirring around your head, it can be incredibly hard to relax and unwind. Now imagine how difficult this can be as a child.
While your child does not have anywhere near the responsibilities that you do, their minds are just as active - if not more. Like a sponge, their minds react and absorb everything they see, hear, smell, touch and taste.
That is why it is vitally important that you use the time period just before the time you want them to be asleep by to wind them down. 
There are plenty of ways that you can implement this. One of the most effective ones can be to keep your child away from any electrical devices such as the television, laptops, phones and tablets etc. A research study conducted by Kings College London found a significant link between children using electrical devices shortly before their bedtimes and excessive tiredness. 
Therefore, removing distractions of this ilk from your child and focusing their minds in a different activity, such as reading, will have a seriously positive effect on the bedtime routine and your child’s general sleep pattern.
4. Clean, Book, Sleep
While it is totally up to you as to the tasks implemented in your child’s bedtime routine, as a general rule, try and use a three point system to ensure success.
First up are the cleaning tasks. Included in this are baths if needed, brushing teeth plus any other similar activities.
Next, take your child to their bedroom, get them into their pyjamas and select a book that you can read to them. A handy tip, which gives your child a level of control in the routine, is to allow them to select their own pyjamas and the book.
Finally, tuck them in, dim the lights and begin to read to them, reassuring them if they become agitated.
Once they have fallen asleep, leave the room. Once the routine has become practice, your child shouldn’t find that they wake up during the night. 
The bedtime routine can be modified in any way you see fit, and if the above suggestions do not suit your household, adapt them as you see fit.
5. Routine Means Routine!
Finally, it is essential that once you have used a routine successfully once, you implement it every day of the week.
Studies have found that a child’s body responds to a well-established bedtime routine and slowly begins to adjust itself in preparation of sleep.
Once it has become a regular part of your child’s day, they will begin to need your supervision less and less and will actively go through the routine by themselves, which will reduce your stress tenfold!

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