Half term is upon us and thousands of delighted children have taken to our parks, cinemas, shops and streets. Everywhere is packed to the rafters! It’s a short but sweet school holiday peppered with halloween preparations and weather-permitting excursions which, more often than not, result in mud getting somewhere it shouldn't...
I love how children live in the moment, soaking up the autumn rays, revelling in frosty breath and fireworks. If only mums and dads could do the same! You see, since becoming a parent I have realised that half term isn't just a little jolly to break up the season. Oh no. It's also when lots of people start their dreaded Christmas shopping. And when some folk deem it an acceptable time to hold their hands up and openly admit to early buying. Smug faces and all...
Now I have never been one for tackling the Christmas shop too soon and have long bemoaned those cities and towns which switch on their festive lights during the last hurrahs of summer. I am not really one who likes to bow to peer group pressure either. BUT. There’s something about the phrase “I've only got Auntie Mary’s tea cosy to get now and then I’m done” which leaves me feeling ever so slightly sick with envy.
I feel defeated, deflated, the ever-trailing underdog when I hear such news mid-October.
Someone I spoke to just yesterday had even written all her cards AND ‘stamped them up’ as she put it. Now is it just me, or is that a little too previous?
Boy's personalised teddy
Anyway, such was my horror at not being able to add anything remotely boastful to this conversation that I decided to get to work and make my own little list. Granted, it’s just a pile of names at present, but I am hopeful there will soon be lots of awe-inspiring ideas too.
Personalised jewellery box
My nephews and nieces are easy to buy for if I’m honest, not least because I have a catalogue of gorgeous children’s gifts at my disposal. Take a look and you might just fill a few spaces on your list too.
Personliased compact mirror
Cuddly toys, children’s accessories, personalised gifts...we have something for every girl or boy. And if you’re feeling superly duperly organised, you might want to look at our personalised Christmas baubles and sacks. Get everything done in a few clicks and cuppas.
Now that would be something to boast about!
Spend over £750 pounds with us this month and receive a £100 Little Lucy Willow voucher.