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Could a TV in your child’s bedroom be doing more harm than good?




What could be better than closing the curtains, lighting the fire and settling in with the family for some quality Saturday night television? Snacks in hand of course. We all love a bit of TV but do we realise just how damaging our children’s ever increasing screen time could be?


A future of health problems?

Scientists from the University of California say that children who spend more than four hours a day in front of a screen are four times more likely to suffer cardiovascular diseases in later life.

Anger issues?
A study at the University of Michigan found that people who watch cruelty on TV are 40% more likely to be cruel to others. The study focused on cartoons and children’s programmes, two thirds of which were found to contain some form of bad behaviour.

Hampered intelligence?

John Hopkins University, in Baltimore, discovered that children who watch TV for more than two hours a day do not respond as well in lessons as those who don’t.

A criminal mind?
A study at the University of Glasgow found that children who watch TV or play computer games for at least three hours a day, every day, are more likely to commit crimes.

Curbed speech?
Children pick up bad habits if they are exposed to them long enough and it goes without saying that TV and internet are the biggest culprits when it comes to affecting our language.

If young children watch television for around three hours a day before the age of two, their speech development will be delayed according to a study by the University of Seattle.

An eye on alcohol?
A collaborative study between Canada and the Netherlands looked at 80 young people aged 19 to 29 years and examined their daily habits.

Those watching the most TV consumed the most alcohol as a direct result of advertising.

Poor sleeping habits?
A joint study by researchers of Harvard and MassGeneral children’s hospital showed that young children sleep worse if they have a TV in their bedroom.

Each hour spent watching television reduced the children’s sleep by an average of seven minutes. In addition, Spanish scientists who ran a study with 9-10 year old children, found that those who watched television for around three hours a day slept for an hour less and woke up more frequently at night.



It isn’t just a lack of television that could help your child sleep however....We have some gorgeous children’s furniture for your child’s bedroom that we’re sure will do the trick!


Want to know more about our children’s furniture?

We want to make sure you enjoy your shopping experience with Little Lucy Willow from start to finish. That’s why we are always ready to take your call and help you create a child’s bedroom that is perfectly suited to your child’s needs - and dreams!

Contact a member of our friendly team on 0845 8030988 or email [email protected] with any questions about our children’s furniture or to place an order.

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