Today, I am possibly the proudest parent on the planet. I have some really exciting news to share with you….Our little Lucy was crowned winner of North West’s Got Talent at the weekend!!!
I know! We were bowled over too!
It was a nerve-wracking, nail-biting, heart-stopping evening - and that was just us in the audience! There were some amazing acts in the 20-strong lineup so imagine our shock when Lucy took the title alongside another young singer, Beau Dermott.
They both deserved the award that’s for sure and did so well to succeed against such strong competition...
Well here it is at last, our brand new website! We really hope you love it as much as we do, not least the gorgeous photography and fabulous layout which are sure to catch your eye.
But there’s something else that might pique your interest - the link to our sister company, Lucy Willow. You see, it isn’t just children who need luxury furniture, grown ups have been known to have a preference for it too.
So as the business strides out to pastures new, it’s the start of a new chapter here at Little Lucy Willow - and not just in the office.
You see - and I ca..
When I started this company it needed a title. We had named our first born daughter, Lucy Charlotte Willow Thomas. So there it was.
Me and Lucy when she was 3 years old.
I thought you might like to know some more about that little girl and what has become of her during the past ten years.
Me and Lucy.
Well I can tell you that she has grown into a beautiful, funny, kind and caring young person who has many talents. She’s a runner, a musician and she writes lots of stories. But of all the things she likes to do, singing is what she loves best. When she sings, I know her..
Heres our very own little star Lucy Willow. She recorded this song over Christmas and with help from her friend Jake Johnson she made her first music video. Follow Lucy’s music journey on twitter