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Last minute mayhem? Don't forget to create some magic this Christmas!

So, I’m guessing your tree is looking fabulous, the immaculately wrapped presents have been carefully displayed beneath it and the fridge is stocked with all the goodies you will ever need to entertain the masses this Christmas.





Or if you’re anything like me, maybe not! The wrapping is, shall we say, ongoing? The fridge is full of lots of nice prosecco but not much else, and the tree? We are holding a vigil and praying it will make it through the weekend.


This week is generally one of madness for the likes of me. Last minute shopping, meeting up with friends for a quick Christmas cuppa - or Baileys, or Irish coffee perhaps? More shopping/panicking, plenty of ‘Mums Taxi Service’ going on and essential watching of those all important Christmas movies.


So far we’ve done The Muppets Christmas Carol, Miracle on 34th Street and my all time favourite, Elf. You can see where my priorities lie. “Ok I’ll organise Christmas, just after I’ve watched this huge pile of festive blockbusters….”


I’m secretly confident that everything will get done in time. Basically because it has to. I always work best to a deadline and what better deadline could there possibly be than December 25th?





Despite all the chaos in shopping, trying to make the house look nice, stocking the fridge and wrapping the presents, the job I like most is making Christmas really special for the children.


I love

Sprinkling reindeer food on the lawn on Christmas Eve...reading a Christmas bedtime story...hanging up the stockings with the children before bedtime...gently jingling sleigh bells outside when the children are tucked up in bed...Making footprints in the lounge...eating that delicious mince pie....’discovering’ a note from the big man himself in the morning.....

I cannot wait! Right then I’d better get cracking. First of all I must double check that the last batch of Little Lucy Willow parcels are all wrapped up and ready to send to Santa so he can fill those stockings in just a few days time.

From all of us here, we hope you have a truly wonderful Christmas!


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