When I was young, I shared a bedroom with my sister and the day we took delivery of our brand new bunk beds is one I will never forget.
My sister, who is older than me, took it upon herself to dive on the top bunk and plonk her teddies and pyjama bag on the pillow, within microseconds of the last nut and bolt being fastened. She said nothing, apart from “yippeeeeee” that is, reinforcing my belief that it is always the older sibling’s ‘right’ to bag the top bunk. Sometimes words are simply not required to drive your message home. Sigh.
I was a little miffed but in all honesty ex..
January is almost over and so is all hope of me sticking to my new year’s resolutions. I suspect and sincerely hope, I am not alone in such failure. I had resolved to cut out all the bad foods and eat more of the good, while doing a little exercise too. I didn’t do any of it. Not even for one day.
The guilt, oh the guilt! It’s a funny thing is guilt. Instead of spurring me on to squeeze into my lycras and sprint around the block, it just makes me want to reach for those chunky Kit Kats even more and eat the whole (exceedingly tasty) lot in one go. What is that about exactly?
We hope you’ve all had a really lovely Christmas with some gorgeous gatherings and gifts, and are now gearing up for an equally happy new year...
The children are whacked and I am too after all the festivities and fabulous food. But I think our mellow mood is also because it’s that strange time of year when nothing feels quite how it should. The Christmas lights are still twinkling but there’s a certain sadness in the air that the magic is now over! Early mornings, late nights, plus too much indulgence in bubble-filled beverages have also taken their toll and all we ..
So, I’m guessing your tree is looking fabulous, the immaculately wrapped presents have been carefully displayed beneath it and the fridge is stocked with all the goodies you will ever need to entertain the masses this Christmas.
Or if you’re anything like me, maybe not! The wrapping is, shall we say, ongoing? The fridge is full of lots of nice prosecco but not much else, and the tree? We are holding a vigil and praying it will make it through the weekend.
This week is generally one of madness for the likes of me. Last minute shopping, meeting up with friends ..
It’s half term. That delightful time when you start to realise with a jolt that summer is just around the corner (in theory). If it hasn’t crossed your mind already, then you’re obviously too busy thinking up ‘fun’ activities to do with the children this week...Get those playhouses and pavilions dusted off!
The arrival of summer is great news for the most part. No more school runs, warmer weather (perhaps) and the prospect of a holiday in the sun! That’s all very nice but it also means I have to start thinking about my ‘bikini body’ - as everyone keeps reminding me...
Today, I am possibly the proudest parent on the planet. I have some really exciting news to share with you….Our little Lucy was crowned winner of North West’s Got Talent at the weekend!!!
I know! We were bowled over too!
It was a nerve-wracking, nail-biting, heart-stopping evening - and that was just us in the audience! There were some amazing acts in the 20-strong lineup so imagine our shock when Lucy took the title alongside another young singer, Beau Dermott.
They both deserved the award that’s for sure and did so well to succeed against such strong competition...
It’s Halloween tomorrow and I’m guessing you lovely mums have been busy preparing your fabulously frightening feasts and devilishly daring dressing up outfits? Thought so.
In our house, Halloween seems to have been upgraded to a week instead of just one day. Lucky me eh? If I’m not being serenaded by witches leaving green face paint on every wall, door and bath towel, I’m being scared senseless each time I enter a room by a rather loud “BOO!” Even walking past a wardrobe or standing beside Martha’s bed sends my nerves a jangling.
I’m not good with frights and onc..
In the movie of your life, who would you like to play you?
I would like Renee Zellweger in the character of Bridget Jones to play the story of my life. I have had so many ‘Bridget Jones moments’ and can relate to the character completely.
Which song gets you dancing?
It would have to be Tina Turner’s Shake Your Tail Feather, I just can’t stop myself..to the embarrassment of the children! Also lately I can do a mean dance to Uptown Funk, but I am under strict instructions NOT to dance when my daughters’ friends are around!
Whats the best decision you ever made?