I don’t know about you but since those pesky clocks went forward we’ve had a week of “I’m not going to bed yet, it’s still light!” followed by “can I have my breakfast now?” at precisely silly o’clock in the morning.
We always notice a surge in business in the Little Lucy Willow accessories department at this time of year as parents attempt to make their children’s bedrooms a more attractive place to be. It’s a great idea and I’m all for it or course! A lovely new quilt? or a pretty cushion perhaps? Maybe a Daisy Brambles bed will do the trick? Ok maybe that’s pushing the envelope a bit but you get the idea…
It always takes our household around a week to dust ourselves off and welcome the daylight into our lives once more. It’s an awakening, sci-fi style, as we drag ourselves out of bed with one arm aloft to shield our eyes from the burning sun. Kind of. Now I know how all those tortoises feel when they finally emerge from their straw-laden cardboard boxes after a good old hibernate.
I am not averse to a spot of daylight saving which is a good job seeing as I have no choice in the matter. There are many countries that once employed the idea then ditched it, others who are still arguing about it and many more who have never even bothered. As to whether it suits depends on where you live of course.
Take the Queenslanders, in Australia. They don’t have daylight saving after voting against it. Thats not the end of it though as hundreds of mothers remain up in arms about their “early risers” leaving sleep experts bombarded with help requests. Granted, 4.30am is a little previous but at least they get a decently dark bedtime. Spare a thought for those poor Scandinavians. In some parts the sun doesn’t even set for two months of the year. I bet tuppence there’s always a queue at that blackout blinds shop, until December that is when there’s not a chink of light all month.
Oooh pass me the smelling salts, the mere thought of it sends me into a headspin. I’m not sure a pretty cushion, or a new bed come to think of it, would fix their sleep problems. Then again, if it was a Little Lucy Willow one…