I think we have all said this quite a few times in recent weeks but, as time has gone on, I’ve realized how much I actually don’t want things to go back to the way they were.
Our sense of community is never stronger than during times of difficulty and hardship. Be it helping and supporting each other to recognising and acknowledging those who make a difference to our lives, however small. Our ability to pull together as a nation is something that we should never take for granted. We have all read or listened to remarkable stories of courage, bravery, ingenuity and endeavour. From heart bre..
Whether your half term is just starting or almost wrapping up, we hope you’ve had - or are about to have - a fabulous fun-filled time. It goes without saying that children love this little reprieve from school, but for mums, (well, me to be precise) it’s often a different story.
It’s not that I don’t love my children and don’t want to spend time with them, of course I do! Honestly! It’s more that I’m a lover of routine, certainty and above all, caaaaaaaaaalm. Oh, and a tidy house too. However, unless I do a moonlight flit and leave this life of chaos behind me I don’t think that’s EVER..
Christmas shopping should never be a chore. But when you’re surrounded by cheery festive overload it sort of pushes you to the other side of happiness. Oh and when you forget it’s Black Friday too...
Go just about anywhere and you’ll hear Shakin Stevens on loop, see shop assistants in titled santa hats and mechanical elves trapped in fake snow storms to remind you that ‘tis the season to be jolly’. Of course there are the crowds to contend with too. Like being swept up in the rapids it took all the strength I could muster to make my way to the shop entrance and cling on for dear life. ..
Phew! So that’s half term out of the way. I hope you all survived the mayhem. I did but I can’t honestly say that I’m in one piece.
It was Martha’s birthday party and this year she chose the one place that paralyses me with fear. No, it wasn’t the ghost train at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, or IKEA on a Saturday afternoon for that matter. It was one of those pesky trampoline parks.
Now I did my research and told all the mums that if their children were under the age of six they would need to be accompanied by an adult. Seeing as Martha was turning six and is one of the older ones ..
So half term is almost upon us. Is it just me or is time whizzing by at the speed of a top Federer serve?
If you are dreading the prospect of a week with the children, then fear no more.
Here is my list of possible activities that you can print off and store in your handbag. Call it an insurance policy. My pleasure...
Go bonkers with conkers. Paint, stick, jewelleryfy, but first of all go out and collect them!
Bake, bake, bake. A great way to get your children interested in food should you be struggling. Buy a simple children..
Now don’t get me wrong, I appreciate a thorough diagnosis when suffering from an ailment. However, when said ailment is broadcast to complete strangers, along with my name, address, phone number and CB radio handle...well I think I’d rather suffer in silence.
By the way, the following tale has nothing whatsoever to do with beautiful handmade to order children’s bedroom furniture, which we specialise in at Little Lucy Willow, but I thought I would tell you anyway...
The other day I was in the chemist thanks to a rather nasty bout of athlete's foot. I know you prob..
Whenever my children say something cute, interesting or funny, I fool myself into believing I will always remember it. But the trouble is, as parents, our lives are littered with so many of these memorable moments that we soon lose track. I considered writing them all down in a special notebook at one time but never quite got round to it. Oh how I wish I had now! Anyway, there are a few things that for some reason are stuck in my brain, never to depart, so I thought I would share them with you.
1 “Mummy, you are inviserable.” Yes, you read that right. in-vis-er-able. Pla..
This week I was invited to a wedding which got me thinking about my own nuptials all those years ago...I recall being madly in love. How amazing it would be as we faced the years together, hand in hand, cheek to cheek!
I was incapable of imagining life without my wonderful, funny, gorgeous, caring, romantic man.
Fast forward to the present day and mysteriously, I am finding it much easier to picture the same scenario...Hmmm. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my husband very much, but am more excited by spotless worktops and an empty washing basket these days. His ..
As the autumn term is underway and the threat of donning my cossie at a water park is no longer a reality, I have increased my snacking. It wasn’t a conscious decision, it just happened when I was least expecting it. Queuing up at my local coffee shop I ordered my usual latte then requested an Eton mess slice as if it was ‘my usual’. The words came out all by themselves. It was an involuntary reaction.
I devoured it. It was totally delicious and as a consequence I have now sampled most of the freshly baked goods on display at said shop. And at other shops. And at ‘the last stand’ - the..
Over the past few weeks I have been particularly irked by the amount of people pre-empting the end of summer.
“I can’t believe the holidays are almost over, where has the time gone?” they all cry.
Despite my dislike of such conversations and wild attempts at dodging them, I sheepishly admit that I have had to agree during the few times I have been cornered.
The sad fact is that as an adult, everything whizzes by at 100 miles per hour. Probably because we wish most of it away. But in a child’s eyes, time is irrelevant. Children get up and do what they have to do, when they are to..